Atlanta Metals Industry Executive Recruiters

As the #1 metals industry executive recruiters in Atlanta, MetalJobs Network is here to help you find top candidates in the industry.

Our team of experienced metals industry executive headhunters is dedicated exclusively to finding the best fit for your hiring needs. At MetalJobs Network, we pride ourselves in our knowledge in the metals industry both locally and nationally. With over 30 years of experience serving companies in fabricated metalworking, foundry, machining, steel trading, and scrap metal yards, we have earned an unsurpassed reputation for providing superior recruiting solutions to Atlanta’s top metals companies.

Providing the Atlanta Metals Industry with the best talent.

MetalJobs Network is a niche executive search and recruitment firm that specializes in the direct placement of exceptional, high-impact talent within the Atlanta metals industry. Our focus is to uncover dedicated employees in the Atlanta area who may not otherwise be on the job market. We offer our job-seeking candidates the opportunity to advance their careers and improve their quality of life by working with some of the best companies in the Chicago metals industry.

metal steel coils

Why you should choose us for your hiring needs...

Number of job candidates in our staffing database
0 +
Offer-to-acceptance rate
0 %
Metals professionals we have placed since 1991
Job Candidates submitted over the last 3 years who were interviewed by the hiring managers
0 %

We conduct contingent, retained, and engaged searches for leading companies within the metals industry in Atlanta.

What our clients say