Soft skills often get overshadowed by all the technical skills that are needed to thrive in automated workplaces today. But they are more important than ever, especially among sales managers in the plastics industry. Leaders can leverage interpersonal skills to improve company morale and their relationships with salespeople to help keep them thriving. Although you might already have most of these skills, sometimes they just need to be refined before you see the real rewards. Here is a list of essential management soft skills.


As a business leader, you really need to stay open to opinions that are different from your own: take notes during meetings, and give speakers your undivided attention. Learn to disagree without being disagreeable by concentrating on the issues and finding common ground. Then, focus on delivering your messages with candor and confidence by avoiding tentative language like “maybe”, “possibly”, etc. Delivering bad news comes with the job, but it should always be done in person and not via email. Successful leaders also understand how and when to say “no” to employees by offering an explanation and remaining empathetic.


From working remotely to social distancing in the office, if we’ve learned one thing during this pandemic, it’s the importance of staying flexible. As established recruiters for plastic distributors, we are aware of changing laws and regulations around the industry; so we expect these changes and plan for them accordingly. It’s important for sales managers to assume some flexibility and react quickly to minimize disruptions. Then, you can focus on reassuring and guiding employees through unfamiliar times like these.

Time Management

Leaders who really excel have exceptional time-management skills. Prioritizing and delegating are the solutions to reducing the number of things you have to get done in a day. You can motivate employees to get them done on your behalf by offering them the resources they need and discussing any obstacles they might encounter.


Managers should be friendly yet establish clear boundaries between work and personal life. If you are friends with some of your employees, then it’s important not to show favoritism.

These are just some of the essential soft skills that managers should refine to excel in their careers and motivate their teams. Hard skills are still in high demand, but you become even more valuable when you are able to combine them with these soft skills.


How can we help you?

Are you hiring manager for a plastic producer or distributor looking for top sales talent in the industry? Submit a search request today.

Are you a top producing salesperson considering a new role in the plastics industry? Contact us to discuss your career path or browse our open positions.