Metals industry jobseekers should not hesitate to seek resume advice. After all, most people are understandably confused as to what, exactly, constitutes an attractive resume. Thankfully, you have surfed your way over to the right corner of the web. Here’s a quick look at some helpful resume advice for those looking for work in the metals industry.
Understand the Audience
The hiring managers who review your resume are professional matchmakers, connecting metals industry companies with hardworking individuals. The nuances of your resume should be tailored to the open position and the overarching metals industry as a whole.
A recruiter will help you perfect your resume in your quest to land a new job in the metals industry. Recruiters understand exactly what hiring managers are looking for in a resume and a candidate. Make a concerted attempt to understand the psychology of hiring managers, tailor your resume accordingly, and you’ll make the intended impact.
Market Yourself the Right Way
Your resume is your most important form of self-marketing. The best resumes start off with a hook. Lead into your academic and professional experience with carefully selected and captivating language, and your resume will make a powerful first impression. This is the hook you need to convince the hiring manager to proceed through the rest of your resume rather than transitioning to the next candidate.
Above all, the language you use toward the beginning of your resume should explain why you are the optimal candidate for the job. Think of these initial words as your “elevator pitch” for the position.
Err on the Side of Specificity as Opposed to Vagueness
The best resumes in the metals industry are those that are highly specific. A summary statement or objective that details exactly what you desire in your career will make a meaningful impact on the hiring manager reviewing your work and academic history. Be specific with your words; and you’ll get right to the point, making it perfectly clear that you covet the open position.
Add Context to Current and Former Employers
There is no need to provide a plethora of information about your current post or the company that employs you. Rather, an informative line or two about the company and its role will provide the hiring manager with helpful context. Be sure to provide details about your prior roles with other companies as well so the hiring manager has a good sense of the contributions you made to other companies.
Address Employment Gaps
If you took a year off to travel the world or care for a sick relative, provide an explanation of exactly what you did during that time away from work. Failure to address such gaps will lead the employer to fill in the blanks with guesswork as opposed to fact.
How can we help you?
Are you hiring manager for a metal producer or distributor looking for top talent in the industry? Submit a search request today.
Are you a professional considering a new role in the metal industry? Contact us to discuss your career path or browse our open positions.